The Way of Yoga
Yoga, a profound practice originating from ancient India, has captured the fascination of the Western world. Yet, despite its growing popularity, only a fraction of its extensive literature has been translated for Western audiences. Consequently, our understanding of yoga often remains fragmented and partial. In this blog, we will delve into the essence of yoga, exploring its two primary schools, Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga, and uncovering the path to self-realization and inner stillness.
The Two Paths of Yoga: Yoga, derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj," meaning to yoke or join, signifies union with the Universal, a state of oneness with existence. It presents itself in two main schools:
Ashtavangani-The Eight Limbs
The whole quest ends in Sahaj-Samadhi, an ecstatic state having full alertness and consciousness - "ecstasy with wide open eyes."
Raja Yoga:
Raja, Sanskrit for "king," signifies the royal path to Self-Realization.
It primarily focuses on meditation and stilling the mind.
Physical postures, known as "asanas," are used to aid those who meditate for extended periods.
The ultimate goal of Raja Yoga is to achieve Oneness with Existence.
Hatha Yoga:
Hatha, Sanskrit for "violence," is a more physically demanding and often intense method.
It employs extreme physical exercises to trigger profound effects on the nervous system and brain.
The aim is to awaken higher functions and force the evolutionary sleeper within to awaken.
The Quest for Inner Stillness: The heart of Yoga lies in the pursuit of inner stillness. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, an ancient scripture, are a hymn of praise and a scientific guide to the complexities of Yoga. It outlines eight interconnected "limbs" that grow simultaneously, much like an embryo.
Yama (Moral Restraints)
Niyama (Observances)
Asana (Physical Postures)
Pranayama (Breath Control)
Pratyahara (Withdrawal of the Senses)
Dharana (Concentration)
Dhyana (Meditation)
Samadhi (Union)
The ultimate achievement in Raja Yoga is Sahaj-Samadhi, an ecstatic state where one experiences full alertness and consciousness, often described as "ecstasy with wide-open eyes." This state marks the culmination of the transformation and the purpose of evolution, as understood by Patanjali over 25 centuries ago.
Conclusion: The world of Yoga is a profound and intricate journey toward inner harmony and self-realization. It transcends the physical postures we often associate with it, delving into the depths of the human mind and spirit. Whether one chooses the royal path of Raja Yoga or the more intense route of Hatha Yoga, the ultimate destination is the same: a union with the Universal and a state of absolute stillness. Yoga is a timeless reminder of the intricate connection between our inner world and the vast universe that surrounds us.